


An independent platform that tracks the performance and effectiveness of the government of Zimbabwe. The platform tracks the actions of government against the areas that citizens have raised in SIVIO’s annual Citizens Perceptions and Expectations reports, and the strategies outlined in the National Development Strategy 2021 – 2025 (NDS1).

Time Since inauguration

(4 September 2023)

Latest update Oct 21, 2024


Overview Summary

228Total Promises
157Total Actions
86Pieces of Legislation
US$ 6.7 Billion2024 BUDGET
4 Clusters19 Priority Areas

Sectors Overview

Under the 4 clusters (Economy, Governance, Social Services and Rural Development), ZIMCITIZENSWATCH assesses several priority areas identified by citizens. SIVIO Institute is committed to assessing each area quarterly and is reliant on online updates through various digital news sources, press briefings and other official government statements to provide evidence.

Get Involved

ZIMCITIZENSWATCH is a citizen-centric accountability tool for citizens to utilise in holding their elected government to the priorities that they see as necessary for the development of Zimbabwe. We would love to hear from you on how ZIMCITIZENSWATCH aids in your advocacy work, please contact us at info@sivioinstitute.org

You can also TRACK with us by sharing content using the hashtag #zimcitizenswatch on social media or submit actions using the button below:

submit a policy action


How do we track?

The methodology is a shift from manifesto-based promises to tracking the policy actions of government against the areas that citizens have highlighted as their priorities. This new ZIMCITIZENSWATCH will track several priority areas classified under 4 clusters namely Economy, Social Services, Governance and Rural Development. The tracking will be done quarterly and will incorporate a triangulation of assessment at the legislative level, the budget level and a metric of performance or progress. The method of tracking will continue to capture online updates through various digital news sources, press briefings and other official government statements.


  • SIVIO Institute continues to track and verify actions that the government takes that affect or have a bearing on the priority areas.


  • One of the main responsibilities of government is to create and pass legislation to create an enabling environment. We track the stages through which legislation goes in order to be enacted and enforced by law. These pieces of legislation include: bills, amendments, policies, strategies, proposals, and statutory instruments.


  • We track the budget allocations per ministry as approved in the national budget. These allocations are then assessed according to NDS1, regional or global commitments and expectations.


  • For each priority area, a metric of progress was chosen to represent impact of the actions. The assessment is whether or not progress can be seen/reflected in these chosen metrics.

The annual CPE surveys have shown that citizens have remained consistent in what they seek to see government prioritizing. Citizens' priorities are also reflected in the government's own commitments, as aligned with some of the strategies outlined in the National Development Strategy (NDS 1).


Red indicates that no progress or effort has been made towards addressing this sub-sector. This is still an area of concern.


Orange indicates that the efforts being implemented need to be enhanced and strengthened to truly address the concern.


Green indicates that the policy actions are working to address and mitigate the issues that citizens highlighted and progress is heading in the right direction.

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2024, SIVIO Institute